Visceral Manipulation Ottawa, ON

Visceral Manipulation

What is Visceral Manipulation?

Visceral manipulation is a very gentle yet effective therapy that focuses on releasing any restrictions of the muscles, ligaments and fascia (connective tissue) surrounding the organs of the anterior abdominal cavity; more specifically the stomach, gallbladder, liver, intestines and bladder. These restrictions can be a result of breathing dysfunctions, scoliosis, digestive issues, constipation, surgical scar tissue (including cesarean scar), poor posture or injury.

How can I benefit from Visceral Manipulation and what can I expect from the first visit?

By using gentle direct and indirect techniques to the abdomen, your therapist will release any abdominal restrictions to promote the organ’s function, improve mobility (how it moves within the body) and motility (its functional movement), which can reduce pain and abdominal discomfort.

During the treatment, your therapist will drape (uncover) your abdomen to work directly on the skin. However, if you prefer to wear loose fitting clothes during your massage, you are most welcome to do so. Though you will be lying on your back for the majority of the treatment your therapist might ask you to change positions several times throughout the massage.

Get started with Visceral Manipulation today!

Your soft tissues work hard to make sure your body is functioning correctly, so it is important to help optimize their health and function.

If you are in Ottawa looking for visceral manipulation services, request an appointment from Anatomy Physiotherapy Clinic.

Our Ottawa registered massage therapists are happy to discuss our visceral manipulation service with you and how it will benefit your physical performance.

Please note: If you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant, visceral manipulation is not advised.